Straw bags to lust over

This new Nannacay Straw tote is something I was eyeing up for a long time. Of course the straw bag is a major trend for this spring and summer, but I was a bit weary because straw is...straw.  I wanted to be able to carry something that held up! I finally bit the bullet when the weather got nice enough to carry it everyday and I have no regrets! I was having a hard time picking between the black poms vs. the rainbow poms, but ended up with the black because I have so many other colorful bags.  

I've carried for about a week now and love how open it is, you can just pop anything into it, and know exactly where it is.  Sunglasses, check! Wallet, check!  (if you follow me on Instagram, you saw that last weekend, I even had a little popcorn snack in my bag, and my family was making fun of me. whatever! We were going to brunch and I didn't want to be starving if we had to wait for a table....You're never too prepared!)  

Here are my favorite straw bags right now: