My Summer Reading List

My pick of 10 books for summer reading: 

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Crazy Rich Asians: This is the first book in a three book series (I'm in the middle of reading the third).  They are super easy reads but so much fun because of the glitz and the glamour.  They made this book into a movie and its coming out this August- I cannot wait to see it!

Girl Wash Your Face: I listened to author Rachel Hollis on a podcast a few weeks ago and fell in love with her and immediately ordered this book and cannot wait to read . It was also recommended by tons of readers!

The Slight Edge: In the middle of reading this and am really enjoying it.  I really love books that make me want to get off my ass and do something. This book talks about how to turn good habits into a lifestyle that help you lead the life you desire.   I usually don't read this book before bed because it makes me so excited to DO ALL THE THINGS and I can't fall asleep because my mind is racing. So maybe try it as a beach/day time read.

Shoe Dog: I shared this book a bunch on my insta stories last summer.  It took me almost all summer to read because I can be really bad at taking the time to pick up a book (getting better though!). Anyway- I love this book with all of my heart. It is a book written by Nike founder Phil Knight. All about his struggles and how hard he was willing to work to make his dream a reality.  I cried my eyes out in the last few pages & now only want to buy Nike product because I love him so much.

From Sand & Ash: This was recommended by a few readers! It is a love story about two people whose lifestyles differ in terms of religion and upbringing.  I love a forbidden romance novel.

Less: This years Pulitzer Prize winning novel.  Definitely want to snag this- looks so good! It is about a gay man in his 50s who is a failed novelist.  He takes a trip across the world in an effort to avoid his problems at home and tries to find himself abroad.

A Simple Favor- Recommended by a few readers! This is a thriller about a missing mother and wife living in a deathly area and the complications she faces trying to prove she is all the things society tells her she needs to be. Apparently there is a movie starring Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick coming out!

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck: Title says it all, am I right?  This book talks all about todays world and how we all need to stop trying to be positive all the time so that we can become actually happy people.  The Author, Mark Mason, doesn't sugarcoat much throughout this book talking about how sometimes you just have to deal with stuff and change your mindset.  Its another good read that will lead you to embrace your fears and understand your limitations...while giving you a good laugh on the way.

When Breath Becomes Air: I have this in my possession but can't decide when is a good time to read it! I have had so many friends and family members rave about it- but I am a very emotional crier and just trying to figure out when is best to cry my eyes out.  It is about a neurosurgeon who is diagnosed with lung cancer and re-evaluates his entire life meaning.  Think its going to be a really good one.

The Hating Game: This was recommended by soo many of you and even some said they read it in two days. It is said to be a hilarious romantic story about two professionals that work together and 'begrudgingly tolerate' one another. But it seems that that hatred will turn into a romance between the two.  Definitely snagging this one to read!